
A photography nugget

One of the reasons I would say that my photos have improved over two-three years is because I'm willing to take more risks (you could also argue gear helps, which I totally will not deny). Both in when I shoot (all the time) and in what I shoot (everything).

Then I have been able take what I've learned about perspective, composition, and capturing light from classes and others, and look at my photos and say, "I did this right," or "That was totally off, and here is why."

Finally, I've taken that set of observations, combined with techniques practiced and gleaned from others, and refine my process.

I see is as iterative; slowly honing in on the specific style that is mine. Now that style will evolve, but it is helpful to know it is being refined. I'm able to shoot things now that I wouldn't have known the best way to capture in the past.

Maybe this is not a super profound post, but I'm shooting my first wedding this weekend, and I'm slightly nervous. I will say though, that I have a tiny amount of confidence, as I've seen my process of iteration and practice develop my abilities.

-- Post From My iPhone