
Teaching at Summer Church

This summer, Illini Life has been doing church in a summer'y way. We've cut down on the complexity of our liturgy, we've moved from a lecture hall to a small room above a cookie shop, and we've focused ourselves on about 10 weeks of learning about characteristics of God. We've heard about God's sovereignty, self-existence, wrath, providing nature, and more.

In a week, I will be at the 'pulpit' in church, teaching from God's word and my own experiences. Kinda scary, exciting, interesting, etc. I won't divulge what it is I'm teaching on (as I'm not 100% confirmed), but I'm really excited about the topic. I hope many people are able to show up and make me a little nervous.

Now, the most interesting thing to me is that I'm 23. This means I'm still pretty young, dumb, and ugly (thanks to Weird Al). I'll be speaking to a group of Illini Lifers that are primarily, well, lifers. These are people that have committed themselves to this church and have had more years than I to have God's wisdom imparted upon them. So what can I give them? Not much. And that is pretty exciting.

It is an environment where I can relay on what Scripture, Church History, and General and Special Revelation have given me. Then I can comment with my own thoughts after I convey the clear truths. There is so little pressure, as God has revealed so much truth to us. I am just mining it and putting it into a short, 20-25 minute package.

Now this isn't to say that I have NOTHING to offer. I have a unique perspective, way of speaking, way of thinking, and on top of that, there are younger people around for the summer, and I hope I can reveal more of God's character to them.

Pray for me as I compile my thoughts and seek out God's heart in this message. And come check it out! It'll be next week on Wednesday, July 22 at 6:00 PM at the Illini Life Ministry Center (above Insomnia Cookies on John St. in Champaign). Even if you haven't been to church with me, to church at all, or barely know me, come hear what I have to say and what God has to say through me.


I'm hard on things

I really can't have nice things, as I tend to break them. This is something I've slowly learned over time.

That is why, when I bought my iPhone, I bought it at Best Buy and sucked it up paying the "no matter what you do, you elephant in a china shop, we'll fix/replace it for you" insurance. I broke my iPhone today.

While talking to Lauren, Bemi came rushing in being loud and cheerful, and I got into a playful, "let's wrestle" mood. So I started to grab Bemi, and he played back. In the process, I dropped my phone, but I still whipped his butt. Once I got up from beating him down, I went to get my phone, which has an obviously placed black line of dead pixels down the middle and some floating black lines on a flickering white background. That's not good, is it?

(I wish it were this dramatic. Think less broken glass, more busted LCD.)

So, I went to Best Buy because I had the "you are an irresponsible person with your electronics" insurance. I thought I'd get it in, replaced, and still make it to the softball game in an hour. It took forever in line. Not only were two groups of people being helped already, but it took them the entire time I was there (and longer) to get helped. So I stood in line to no avail. Whoops. To rub salt in the wounds, an older couple was buying two iPhones. Goodbye, luster of having a hip young dude phone.

So I'll try to go back tomorrow. They will have to send it 'in' somewhere. So I'll probably be sans phone for a while. Hit me up on facebook or email and I can get back to you in the evenings. I can get back to you during the day if you email me at work (email my home email if you want that address). Perhaps the greatest solace I can find in all of this is that I will MAYBE be getting a 3G S as a replacement? I can only hope...


[Jesus] called the people to him and said to them "Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person." Matthew 15:11 (ESV)

This verse came to me today while sitting and praying about my own character. I honestly tend to consider myself a person of high character most of the time. But my speech at many junctures would indicate otherwise. Whether it be sarcasm, cursing, complaining, mean spirited thoughts, or even thoughts that I was unaware would be hurtful, my words tend not to be fragrant in a good way.

What this really spoke to me was that God wants my speech to match my innards. My desire to pursue God should be greater than the desire to get a cheap laugh at somebody's expense, or to just speak ill of a situation to make myself feel better about me.

I am loving being here in Colorado. It truly is a time and place where I find God totally refining me in a very real way. This is only my second day here with only s few more to go, but I love the directions God is taking me.

-- Post From YMCA of the Rockies


It's fun to stay at the YMCA

I'll be at this fantastic location in about 36 hours. Yes!

Wow I'm excited.

-- Post From My iPhone