
I never post much anymore

Why is that? I guess my life is fairly boring at this point...probably not. Anyway, first things first...
You are Spider-Man

Iron Man
The Flash
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Now, what else is new....I had a 'skin tag' removed today. It's like a flap of skin that shouldn't be there and has the potential to be cancerous. So let's get rid of that bad boy. The funny part about that whole ordeal is that it's right up by my butt, like where my leg meets my butt. So I had to drop trousers and let the doc burn the thing off. I was laughing at the hilarity of the situation. Especially when I felt like I had to fart during the procedure.

My youth group is a struggle. I've had 7 different people come, but all at different weeks, so we've always had a tiny group. But God is being faithful and I know that he's doing his work in this situation.

I'm going to a wedding in Chicago in a couple of weeks and that should be interesting. I'm also going to Cedar Point real soon and that should be incredible as well. I'm stoked to ride the stuff there.

I've been buying a lot of music lately and it's been very eclectic. Here's some of my most recent stuff

Angels and Airwaves - We Don't Need to Whisper
Hawk Nelson - Smile, It's the End of the World
Matisyahu - Youth
Sufjan Stevens - Illinoise
Taking Back Sunday - Louder Now
Tool - 10,000 Days

All of them are very distinct musical stylings from eachother, so it's very cool.

My Adidas sandals finally went kaput on me, so I went to Wal-Mart the other day and bought some cheapo flip flops.

If I haven't mentioned it, our roofing project is going well. We're pretty well rocking it. It is now about 40% done and that's a really good feeling. We'll take a break to go to Wisconsin this weekend, and then it'll be right back into the fray.

Speaking of The Fray, I download the free itunes download no matter who it is each week because I might end up liking it at some point...There have been a few 'winners' as I like to call them, or songs from artists that have become big or the songs are really good, from those. Here are a few so that you may be convinced to download the free tunes.

Through the Iris - 10 Years
The Geek Gets the Girls - American Hi-Fi
Breathe (2AM) - Anna Nalick
Title and Registration - Death Cab for Cutie
On Your Porth - The Format
Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray
High - James Blunt
Don't Walk Away - Shawn McDonald
Welcome to My Life - Simple Plan
Gone - tobymac
Lost Control - Unwritten Law
Dimension - Wolfmother

I'm sure there are others, but those are some of the more notable ones.

HMMMMM.....what else.............

The Cubs suck more as of late.

When I go to that wedding in Chicago, please folks get ahold of me, because I'm planning on making a weekend out of it and seeing a few folks.

My dad and I are driving out to Seattle for my cousin's wedding in August and that's gonna be fun. Just he and I are driving out, and then the whole fam is driving back. But I'm working on convincing him to have us go out through Estes Park, CO because I really want to see my peeps. My peeps being people I know there as well as the campers I miss so dearly.

Let's keep this ridiculous post going.

UMMMMM, I've been thinking about how fun next school year is going to be just with feeling more liberated as a Junior as well as being able to communicate with all sorts of people I know already and am/will be getting to know. I can't wait to see what God has for my relationships, and it will be sweet to have my own room at school as opposed to just my own room at home.

NFL Head Coach came out this week and I don't have a PS2 or X-Box and my PC I don't believe meets the requirements. So I'm working on seeing if somebody can loan me their system. If you're willing to let me borrow a game system for the summer...lemme know :)

Ok, I guess I'm done......

SOTD - 0 - The United States has NEVER won a World Cup game on European soil. That's so encouraging...NOT! Maybe in another four, eight, twelve, or sixteen years....


Focus on the Family

So I was taking a shower yesterday as most people do after working outdoors, and I was listening to the radio that we have in the shower. It's really cool, it's all like water resistant and it hangs from the top of the shower. It's sweet. Anyway....I was listening to the Christian radio station and there was a show called Focus on the Family on. It's hosted by a guy named James Dobson and they deal with different issues that affect families in our world as well as things that can be difficult for a Christian walk. This particular week they were talking about the difficulties of being a Christian on a college campus. I was interested obviously because I'm a college student and a Christian. I could relate to this topic. I instead ended up laughing at them. Isn't that horrible?

So they started talking about how college campuses are tough and different and they really are promiscuous and people drink and do drugs etc. They suggested that is a shockingly different place than when they went to college. I don't know for a fact, but I don't think the college lifestyle has changed a TON over the last couple decades. I'm sure it has, but I don't think all of a sudden they JUST became a wretched hive of scum and villiany (name that movie). So they continued to talk about how a university tries to break it's students down morally by putting them in co-ed dorms. Yes, the colleges TRY to break down our morals. By putting us in co-ed dorms, we automatically will sleep around and it's all a part of their scheme. If our morals break down, then our ideas have to follow our morals and we can follow the ideals of our college professors and they can shape our belief systems. So basically, the entire university system is a conspiracy...GET OUT NOW!!! (oooooozing sarcasm) NOW, I do think that Satan can use something like a co-ed dorm to help break us down, but I don't think at large it is the goal of my school to break me down in such a way. I'm sure there are people that believe that that works, and they did cite one author about there was a way to manipulate students and change them with this sort of system, but largely, I think it's a crock.

In argument of that, college campuses are places of academia and it's better to have diversified ideas so authority can be challenged. This makes people really hold onto what they think in fields where the 'right answers' aren't always clear. I don't think the university as a whole wants a group of drones. I'm still sure there are a few professors that would love that though.

Nextly, they suggested that all students should go to college to be missionaries. I found that to be ridiculous. What about the extremely gifted girl that wants to go to be a pre-med and then go to med school? Does she now get stuck being a secretary at a local church instead because her mom heard this program and shoved her into a Bible college without any life science programs? Now, I must give parents credit and say that they know how to discern the complete truth, but I can bet as a protective parent, hearing to just tuck your child away safely is a good thing.

Next Mr. Dobson referred to college campuses as "Sodom and Gammorah." That's really harsh. They also suggested that they are some of the most unchurched places on the planet. I see the exact opposite as college ministry is all over and people really are being reached out to. On top of this, they DID say that you COULD go to a secular school if you had a high enough spiritual GPA. Basically they said if you're a good enough Christian, you can choose to go to whatever school you want to because you're strong enough. It just bothers me that somehow just the 'elite' should go to certain schools. They also suggested maybe if you wanted to go to a secular school that you take a break for a bit before you go. Maybe live at home, work, go to the military....WAIT, go to the military??? That is a great idea for somebody with shakey beliefs. Because I know everybody in the military is just raising their hands in praise there. Ridiculous.

It all just frustrates me very much and it scares me that parents might take all of that to heart without discerning it first. I would not change my experience at all over the last 2 years and I really do see God's will in what I'm doing in school right now...

SOTD - 1 - After taking three of four from the red-hot Reds, the Cubs seemed to be on their way to a substantial winning streak and really ready to make up some ground. Now they're in a 1 game losing streak.


Motorcycles and masturbation

ok, so I just like alliteration and I thought that those two words having nothing in common is funny. This is however about motorcycles, and NOT masturbation.

Professional athletes have been getting in motorcycle accidents ever since they decided to be thrill seekers and try out tearing up the open road. Some of the more prominent are Jay Williams (Chicago Bulls), Kellen Winslow Jr. (Cleveland Browns), and now on top of those, Ben Roethlisberger (Pittsburgh Steelers). Big Ben, the big bad Super Bowl winning QB that saved the steel city is in serious condition in a hospital after being in a motorcycle accident. That's a big deal. He's the face of a franchise, and he's a good player too. Now he could be in danger of not playing for a while all because of an accident. So what do you say to that? 1) No players should ride motorcycles, 2) It was an accident, what can you do about it?, or something else. The fact is, losing a person of that caliber really hurts a franchise and makes it very hard for them to recover. I figured I'd write about this before the ESPN guys did so I didn't steal their ideas, but it IS slightly ridiculous how this goes and something needs to be done to alter and remedy it.

SOTD - 2-0 - The Miami Heat are quickly down 2-0 in the NBA Finals to the Dallas Mavericks, and they're gonna have to really work to get out of this hole.


Yes Now

So I'm talking to Jennee online and doing these silly blog quizzes. You know the ones that teenie boppers put like 50 of on their myspace and live by them. Well I'm doing some and I found one that is finally worth posting on here....

Your Quirk Factor: 59%

You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it.
Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them!
How Quirky Are You?

I felt as if that fit me, so I let it go up. I'm doing well though, just started roofing and I got sunburned the first day. Just doing summer well :)

SOTD - Who gives a crap - World Cup...nuf said.



Bill and I decided we need a theme park in Clinton...it's too boring here.

(18:57:23) Bill: clinton needs a theme park or something sweet like that
(18:57:46) ME: that would be quite the spot sticking up from the corn
(18:58:01) Bill: heck ya
(18:58:41) ME: that would be quite the job
(18:59:14) ME: to work there
(18:59:24) Bill: the theme would definitely be Abraham Lincoln-esque
(18:59:26) ME: or build it...we could build it
(18:59:56) ME: yes...the Abrahammer...it's the fastest ride in the park, and then it smashes into a wall
(19:00:31) Bill: hahahaha
(19:00:40) Bill: a hologram wall
(19:00:51) Bill: then after peoples nerves are calmed, a REAL wall
(19:01:46) ME: lol, brilliant
(19:02:23) Bill: let's start building it
(19:02:29) Bill: you go get some wood and nails
(19:02:39) Bill: i'll get a hammer and Abe Lincoln
(19:02:46) ME: think he'll back it?
(19:03:04) Bill: DUHHHH its called THE ABRAHAMMER

oh, the picture is a pig and a tigress that are friends...weird.

DL - That's right folks, Albert Pujols, that player I left a stat about a while ago saying he's amazing...he's on the disabled list now.